School name: Presbyterian Day School
School Address: Cristo Rey Village, Corozal District, Belize
School contact number: 501- 615 8561
Number of Teaching Staff: 6 teachers
Last school year enrolment: 109 students
Grade levels offered at school: Preschool and Grades 1 through Grade 8
Office working hours: Monday- Friday from 8:30am– 11:30am
School Leader name: Mr. Aldair Pott
Auxiliary staff name: Miss. Dorothy Meyer (secretary)
Presbyterian Day School offers a Christ-centred form of learning, which transforms the heart of our students to be more like Christ; while learning the Academics.
Presbyterian Day School is the best choice for your child! The reasons are many, but to name a few: Presbyterian Day School offers child friendly lessons where your child learns not only the academics but also about God and His plan for each of us! Learning is fun since we have plenty of space for outside learning and our classrooms are equipped with suitable desks, chairs, tables, learning centres and much more! Our school is equipped with a safe Playground for students to enjoy, a clean cafeteria and eating area for students to enjoy their snacks, and a computer lab for students to learn about technology and enjoy digital learning. And of course, our school is equipped with all Safety Protocols and equipment for your child to be safe from virus!
Registration process: Parents will be invited to come to school to register their children for school year 2023-2024. (Many of them are already registering their children)
Registration: PDS office